Saturday, February 27, 2010

31wks and the nursery is all ready

This is the room our babies will call theirs. We opted to use pack-n-plays so that we can move the babies around the house as needed and they will be used to their beds when we travel.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tax day is almost here!!

We are officially due April 29th for our 40wk due date. But, since we are having twins, we get to skip out on a couple of weeks. Full term for twins is 38wks which puts us at April 15th. We have 7wks maximum until we will meet our little ones. We are beyond excited and scared all at the same time!

Randy testing out our glider.

One of Randy's co-workers, April Courville, does photography too. She hadn't done a maternity photo shoot before us so Randy coordinated with her and she captured some fantastic moments for us. This one is my favorite so far. We haven't seen them all yet but, will tomorrow. The rest of the photo shoot can be seen soon at
The babies were facing each other at this ultrasound. B is our little flipper. We couldn't get the side profile pics here since they were in this position. This is the tops of their heads. A on left and B on right.
They couldn't get B to turn around and only got it's back side. The top of the baby is its head and below is the back. Can't see arms/legs in this.

This is A facing us. The little thing that looks like a chicken drummy next to the body is its left arm.

My 29wk ultrasound after I had the flu. Still wasn't feeling quite up to par but, it is always a great day to know the kids continue to grow and be safe. Baby A measured in the 56th percentile for growth at this stage and B measured in the 68th percentile. A weighed approximately 2#15oz and B weighed approximately 3#4oz. (our niece and nephew Mia and Max, who are 4 now, were born at 29wks to the day and both weighed 2#10oz. So it gave us a reference point for our babies)

Stomach flu while pregnant is no fun

At 28wks and 1 day, Randy and I got the stomach flu. I ended up getting dehydrated and had to go to the hospital since I started having contractions. I didn't fully know what I was feeling as far as the contractions go. When we got to the hospital, they hooked me up to heart monitors for the babies, a contraction monitor as well as an IV to receive 3 bags of fluids.
On the monitor screen, Baby A's heart rate is the top left number, B is the bottom left number and the right number changed as it measured my contractions. I was having contractions every 3 minutes.
The top photo shows the bands that held the monitors into place. The washclothes are holding the heart monitors better under the bands and the top blue band is the contraction monitor.

These are the first photo's where the babies looked like the precious little humans they are instead of little blobs. We were 20wks at the time of these pictures. Baby A is the left side top and bottom and Baby B is the right side top and bottom picture. The 2 photo's are side by side but, in my belly A was breech at this time and B was head down. Yin and Yang sort of.


7wks approximately

September 10th; Gramma Pat's birthday and Auntie Jenn and Uncle Ross's wedding anniversary, we learned that both embryos took. This was at 7wks pregnant. We got to see the first flutters of their hearts this day. I laughed through most of this ultrasound. Dr. Malo laughed with me and then kindly asked me to hold still while he finished measuring things. After this, we graduated from him back to my regular OB, Dr. Roxy. (She delivered our niece and nephew Mia and Max so we are confident we are in the best possible care)
August 20th, 2009 we got our first positive pregnancy test ever!!! What a fantastic day this was!!! Dr. Malo our RE (reproductive endocrinologist) called to tell us the news and I quickly ran out to buy a home test. After seeing so many negative tests, this one was such a sight for sore eyes. I did two just to make sure!

The babies first photo. Can you believe that these 2 little blastocysts turn into human beings?

The top and bottom pictures are before our transfer. The middle picture is me after the transfer. Still a little sleepy but, so happy I am holding a picture of our embryos. It is the first picture we have of our little bundles.

These photo's were taken the day the of the embryo transfer.
I had a little valium in me and was showing the embryos who's boss!

These photo's were taken the day we went in for the egg retrieval. 19 eggs were taken from me and our embryo's were created this day. August 6th, 2009. Of the 19, only 2 continued to do what we need them to and are the babies I am carrying right now.

These are the drugs that I had to take at various points throughout the InVitro Fertilization process. Randy was my nurse and administered the injections as necessary. At the most, it was 3 times a day. I had to take pills as well as wear an estrogen patch too.

From the beginning

Randy and I have been on an emotional journey to add to our family since 2005. We finally had to seek assistance from a Reproductive Endocrinologist who helped us make our dreams come true. The summer of 2009 was one that forever changed our lives. Here are some of the photo's documenting part of the mountain we have been climbing.